I’d never intended to register for the Powerman in the first place. My running ability was still at an elementary level and I was in no hurry to enter into the multi-sport horizon or to be more specific, join a multi-sport race. It was after I bought my road bike during my “running sabbatical” due to my shin splints and knee injury that I was being lambong-ed by who else, if not the King Lambong himself, to consider registering for the Sprint category of the Powerman 2010 (note – “Sprint” is a “fun run” equivalent in a Powerman event).
I officially did the clicking just a few days before the closing registration date of 30 September 2010. The decision to register was made easier with the comfort that few RBUs will be there, i.e. Diket, Shuk, Yim and Det, as well as few other friends from the Putrajaya Ramadhan Night Riding sessions.
Nope, I didn’t have any target in terms of timing. With no qualifying time for the Sprint’s category my personal target is to finish the race based on my ability at that time. The principal objective of the Seri Manjung’s mission is to experience my first DU race.
The Trip
On this, I need to extend my thanks to Diket for being the lead arranger for the group’s trip and accommodation. My appreciation to CK and Jaja for a nice accommodation (coupled with interesting experience) offered to us at OBS.
My travelling preparation was done last minute. I went off from office a bit early on Friday evening as I need to prepare my MPV to be the main carrier of 3 bikes, mine, shuk’s and Nik’s. I had never carried more than a single bike in my MPV and due to that I have to make sure that all spaces in my MPV would be optimized. Nik reached my home from JB around 9 pm and later around 10 pm shuk came sending his Italian babe to spend the night with my Merrie and Nik’s Trackie in my MPV. I drove to Seri Manjung with Shuk’s company and met with the others at Sg Buluh R&R before the Group de-toured to Kuala Selangor, opting for a coastal route.
For the trip, lodging and jalan-jalan cari makan, Diket has perfectly captured those moments in his blog (not forgetting the Twilight Zone mini-series as well). One thing I could say here is that I love every seconds of my time with the peeps. Felt almost like my college days’ road trip.
The Race
“Apa barang buat Sprint category Powerman!”
I just could not help from telling myself that because the full category of Powerman is darn tough, the Sprint seems more “like a walk in the park category”. The Powerman race is not just about finishing but to complete the course within 5 hours and that is a huge challenge. Please read Yim’s blog on his debut and fantastic achievement in the Powerman 2010.
Hence if you are a newbie in DU and not a strong runner and/or cyclist and could not or not willing to commit to put in enough or decent time for training to compensate your weakness in either discipline, in my humble view you better opt for the Sprint category. Would you just be content without a finisher’s T and certificate by finishing beyond 5 hours? My personal answer to that is NO because after a grueling and difficult challenge, you could not claim the title of a “Powerman” by being a mere finisher. It is harsh but that’s the rule of the game and everybody has to live with it.
Run 1 – 5.5km
At the starting line - Pic taken from the FB of Estim
We were gunned off the last, i.e. about 20 minutes after the full category was released. The advice from the “otais” was to keep an easy or moderate effort in the first run. I sort of expected a lot of people to start with a dash from the word GO. I tried to maintain my pace in a range of 5.30min/km to a shade below 6min/km (agak2 ajer) though it seems that everybody was overtaking me. Run a brief moment with Jaja before she activated her turbo power. Super mom there! I have not done any running for 2 weeks (except the 3-4km easy run in our last brick session held 4 days before the race day) due to my plantar fasciitis and hence I did not dare to increase my pace for the lack of tempo trainings and the potential bonking in the remaining 2 legs. The ‘roti planta” issue in the mean time was kept at bay with the Rocktape’s protection, courtesy of Ray.
I was a bit clumsy here but I think that was expected from a newbie. The funny thing was I took my bike down and out from its place but I was yet to put on my helmet and gloves. Normally I took my bike out from my MPV and leaned it against the side of my car or any nearby “tiang” or “wall” but of course there was no tiang available in the transition area and I was supposed to push my bike out from that area before I can even put my leg over it or be disqualified. So, I had to push back and hang my bike and did the things that I was supposed to do in the first place, i.e. put on my helmet and gloves.
Cycling- 32km
I considered myself as a runner first before a cyclist but I think I did better in the cycling leg compared to my running. The almost flat course enabled me to maintain a decent speed overall and since we would do only a loop of the course, the 2 inclines of Jambatan Raja Perempuan Bainun had extracted a moderate effort compared to the task of conquering the undulating GCE for the same speed. But as many people have said before, cycling would easily invite cramping of muscles and that is the last thing you would wish to happen in a race. With a pre-cramp pain and tightening of the calf muscles about 7km before the cycling end, I decreased my pace to allow me to finish my cycling leg and complete my second leg of running cramp free. I would not dare to take a risk as far as muscles cramp are concerned. It would be nasty for sure if the big one attacked you during a race.
A bit of improvement from T1 since the main task was to put on your running shoes. I need to wait the official timing to know how bad or well I’d done at my transitions. I am inclined to believe that it would be the former.
Second Run – 5 km
“Apa barang lari 5km!”
It was quite a “barang” I guess if you had done a 5.5km run and 32km ride right before you started the run. Felt awkward at first but later managed to steady my pace albeit at a snail equivalent. My target was a non-stop running regardless of how slow it would be. Not a huge issue but the pain of my heel re-appeared after the ride. As told by Diket, cycling could cause plantar fasciitis as well, normally through “pulling” of the crank. I ran at a very much slower pace anyway at that point of time and hence I just need to watch my foot strike to minimize the pain.
Unofficial Result
With a snail pace second leg run, I crossed the finishing line with a hand timed of 2 hour 22 minutes. Officially I had done my first DU race. Can I call myself a duathlete then? I could stand being called a snail pace aka cengkerang duathlete. Hahaha giler POYO! I was just kidding guys as the most important thing is to subscribe to a healthy activities regardless of being a runner or duathlete or triathlete.
Post Race
I was handed over my medal, spent time whalloping the watermelon, had a bowl of cendol, enjoying the views of errrr..observing the brands of the vests and trisuits of others whilst waiting for my fellow respected comrades from the full category coming back to base. After lingering around for sometimes I decided to wait and cheer my friends at the running track just outside the stadium, under the shade of a row of small trees but enough to cover me from the force Seri Manjung’s heat. Made small talks with a lady nearby whilst she was waiting for her hubby to finish the run. It was a perfect spot since I could cheer all peeps that I know passing through for their second loop or final push to the finishing line (see pictures below).
Pic 1 - Azmar the Ironman with his normal cool and steady pace...
Pic 2 - Yim on his final push to victory singing "kalau anda gembira angkat tangan"
Pic 3 - Diket Menchanak aka Abg Jaws aka King Lambong aka King Mambo smiling to the finishing line though he had less than an hour of sleep the night before due to the...... ("twilight zone theme song in the background")
Pic 1 - Det steady and strong nak masuk second loop.
Pic 2 - Shuk playing the mental game to nail his debut attempt to become a Powerman...pheewitttt
Pic 3 - I understand that Nik had a monster cramp during the second loop of cycling. Good job bro for never giving up in finishing the race
left pic - Bahri, another comrade who succumbed to injury along the way with never say die attitude marching to the finishing line.
Right pic - me with the Powermen and Powerwoman (frm L-R, Hanchik, Det, me, Diket, Nik Raiha and Azmar) - pic taken from Nik Raiha's FB.
It was a new and great experience for me. For the runners out there who are water phobia like me, you guys should try a DU race. It will be awesome I tell you. Congratulations to all my friends in Powerman 2010 regardless of their timing. Each one of you guys earned a pat at the back for doing this difficult challenge. Hopefully a bigger contingent from RBUs will join the trip to Sri Manjung for Powerman X Factor 2011.
For those going to Penang this weekend, I wish you guys all the best!