Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lenggang Kangkung

God willing, I will turn up at Dataran Merdeka this Sunday but I have 2 options, i.e.:

(i) to join the 10k run and in most probabilities, will try to complete it not in the usual snail pace but rather in a lenggang kangkung style; or

(ii) to cheer the RBUs and other runners (and snap pictures in the process).

After the extended zero week, I made my first morning run today, aiming to finish a 5km-ish distance. The tight breathing, stiff muscles and slight discomfort of the shin splint were all within my expectation but not the pain at the right knee, which originated from the marathon run at SCKLM. The extent of the pain frighteningly felt similar when it struck around KM3. Although I tried to be optimistic, such optimism was dented with the niggling pain each time I walked for the rest of the day.

More to the form of a blessing in disguise, I will be forced to start my cross training soon as I need to get an alternative jab for my endorphine requirement once the resting period from running commences. Diket, itu ler pasal sekarang nie bola leret pun aku nak bikin lipat gulung jugak :D

See u guys at Dataran!


  1. Gotcha! 1st to comment. Good luck bro, lenggang or not...

  2. Congrats Deo, anda mmg pantas :D

  3. Just run lenggang kangkung and take pix at the same time. Bunuh dua burung dengan satu batu. Huh, brutal bunyinya kan?

    See u at Dataran on Sunday Ziff. Kita melalaks ramai2!

  4. cakpong cakpong....bila nak beli beskal? petang tadi tok turun jengok kawasan kau takde pun. nak kena potong nama ni.

    see u sunday bro

  5. sorry to hear that Ziff.
    i know iwon't be running. jadi tukang sorak for my adik beradik.
    i guess kak june pun jadi cheerleader nanti. tgklah, kalau ada rezeki perhaps can bring manggis. tapi ada ke org mkn manggis pagi2 & at run events? err, cam lawak lak idea ni

  6. KA, ur suggestion is surely brutal bro, in the spirit of Iron Maiden hehehe

    Shuk - tgh recce, nak cari yg hebat tp murah, mana nak cari? Tok, saya MC poco-poco hari nie.

    Ehh, korang ni tgh que kat petrol station ker? semua lambat tidur hahahaha

  7. Tsar, bawa ajer manggis tu,ramai ajer nanti nak volunteer jadi tukang makan. C u there bro.

  8. ziff, mungkin boleh tunjuk macamana nak lari lenggang kangkung :)

  9. kash, it would be much slower frm "wogging" but with xtra movement of the hips :D

  10. ala2 shakira le tu kot. hang jangan menyimpang dah le. hehe.

  11. KA,aku x menyimpang, aku ambik korner lipat ajer hahaha.

  12. Kita melenggang beramai-ramai!

  13. ahahah see u all sunday .. my knee sakit still from my run yesterday and this morning even though it feels good to run so i am keeping it to 5k per run dulu .. sunday me cheer leader for u guys and my girl, doing her 1st 10k !! jangan emo and nangis bila dia cross line sudah LOL .. ziff, u can go lenggang kangkung or kita sama2 buat bising kat finishing line heheh

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Haza - lenggang kangkung mmg kene ramai-ramai, baru macam balik dari petik kangkung :)

    Zaki - ehh, kau nak buat PB kan this sunday? Anyhow u are very much welcomed to join the lenggang kangkung group

    June - 5km run is a great progress! Nanti cakap ur daughter jgn smoke tebal2 abg (or pak cik??)lenggang kangkung LoL

  16. Bukan menuai kangkung ke?

  17. hmm...menuai bukan untuk padi ajer ker? Hmmmmm *garuk kepala*

  18. hmm..betul gak, kangkung mana boleh kene petik....stand corrected madam :D

  19. OK bro, pastikan larian lenggang kangkung ikan masin berbaloi-baloi. Have fun to you and all friends. Run safe & injury free! :)

  20. TQ bro for the bib. Really appreciate it. U also have a good time at Bkt Apek + your kid's tri training :D

  21. what did i miss?..lenggang kangkung?...
    asalkan lari dah le...maleh nak komen dah panjang2
