Monday, April 26, 2010

Bonkers LSD

I just went bonkers at KM12 yesterday. The mind just couldn't give any signal to the body to continue running. Instead it gave a big "WALK" sign and walk I did for most of the remaining 6km. Was it due to the pace? Was it due to the long ascending runs at Section 13, 8 and 7 and the dreadful thought of facing the coming hills at Section 12 and again the Kelab Shah Alam's hill? At the blue mosque's roundabout, I almost decided to make a de-tour to "Kedai Kopi" Tasik Shah Alam with a plan of having a sumptuous breakfast and later call wifey to pick me up. In the end, it does not really matter. The walk gave me the chance to "muhasabah diri".
You have a long, very longgggg way to go dude!


  1. u need motivation, or something to move u, like running buddies or an mp3 player maybe? sure boring lari long distance sorang2 :)

  2. Mp3!! Or just blank out, don't think of anything, just run and will yourself not to stop until 21k! You can do it!

  3. Che - tried MP3 b4 but just annoyed running with earphone stucked in my ear (banyak ler cekadak aku nie hehehe). I love to have running buddies but dekat Shah Alam nie nak lari dgn geng chap ayam aku segan. Bumped into 2 of them yesterday. Lari cam kene kejar anjing hehehe. One more thing is that I run slow. Concern that my pace will hold up the others.

    Haza - appreciate the tip. Your mental strenght never cease to amaze me. Me belum cukup Mentallica power lagi gamaknya :) Need to build it up....soon.

  4. Lucky u r still in the boat... i'm already hanyut in the water. :(

  5. running buddies...

    thinking a LSD on saturday, kalau jadi, aku call kau nnt

  6. Kash - even if u are in the same boat, u just yet to start the engine. Once ignited, it turns to become a speed boat in no time.

    Nik - Kau pakai jet ski. Nanti siap boleh potong bot zig zag style lagik

    Syah - Yes, buzz me as well if the LSD is on. Boleh bg aku semangat sikit bila tgk keting budak2 GBS nie

  7. ziff, like what madonna told me the other day, you need to get back into the groove bro. its the layoff that triggers this. its not the body but the mind itself. so get back into the groove, more and more and you'll do fine wokay

  8. Yimster, very the true. I need to get back into the groove. Need to do more run. Everytime must think of running. FMV???? hmmmm......

  9. That's not bonk la i think. Bonk is when you see a brick wall blocking the road. Just like Run, Fat Boy, Run. Hehehe. Pardon me. Just can't help recalling the scenes. This is perhaps a mind game where you need to add a bit of enthusiasm into the run. you get distracted from your goal.

    OK2. Considering we are longing for an LSD geli2, jom Sabtu ni Bkt Aman 6.30am. Slow. Ikut milage masing2. If you're planning for 10k, just follow the group until Jln Duta then turn back. Amacam?

  10. menyahut the calling of avatar, ziff jom! weekend ni

  11. thats what running buddies for, to keep u company while running not for you to chase them, like we did last time. rasa nak pegi lagi tmn tasik tu, tp jauh la dari rumah :) kalu x sure temankan u punye..

    would love to join diket's LSD, jom la bro, kite lari slow2 kat blkng, agak2 kena tinggal, kite patah balik.. ape susah? hehe..

  12. Diket- betul lah. The mind game. X cukup mantap. OK bro. LSD geli2 this saturday. Insyallah, I'll be there. Target - Bkt Aman - Hartamas - Bkt Aman. Kalau x larat aku pusing balik..hahahaha.

    Syuk- dah 2 avatar memanggil, Ok, i am game for the LSD, insyallah.

    Che- betul2. Mengah mengejar org power2 nie hehehe. Putrajaya with Shah Alam mmg jauh. Tabik kat kau, last time coming all the way here. I am game for the LSD this weekend. Jom Che. we run togeder-geder at the back :)

  13. Ziff, tu tanda dah nak jadik tu...

  14. wibowo, tenkiu jengok blog aku nie. Aku x habis2 contemplating nie. Tgk seminggu dua nie :)
