Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pre-evening Run Snack

Can this be my pre-run snack, taken 1 to 1 1/2 hours before an evening run? Technically I don't think it falls in the healthy category since it is a deep fried food (i.e. oily). However it tastes good, easily available and aint it supposed to provide carbohydrate with its potato fillings? Had them before one evening run (due to the time constraint of having a proper meal) and I felt (this can be psychological only) the body responded better.

Where can i find a nice potato fillings karipap in Singapore?


  1. :) better tapao from IKEA here. It's kinda hard to find halal curry puffs.

  2. Ian - thanks for the info. Seems like no karipap for Sundown since I will fly down early morning on Saturday.

  3. try fueling on bananas, bro.. always works wonder on me..

  4. hmmm...hard to get halal food? aiseyman...
    simple je entry ni..

  5. syed - will try banana too. Tried in the last friday nite LSD at PoJ but that nite I felt extra tired, may b due to the long hours in the offcie.

    Ijam - simple tapi isu besar, i.e. hal makan pasal nak lari berdesup...hehehe

  6. Ziff, it's simply won't be enough for me. I need a plate of rice with chicken, fish and lots of vegy. I memang kuat makan! Karipap utk lari geli2 10k boley laa, half mara tak cukup tu bro... huhu

  7. gambar tu sungguh menggiurkan! there are lots of restoran halal kat Arab Street, and considering that you arrive morning, mmg boleh tapau baekkk punyee...

    I know a halal karipap store near Somerset LRT. The pump station near Kash's house pun jual jugak...

    Tapi kalau kau tapau fr KL pun dan lagi, tak basi nye :)

  8. temasek punya karipap mahal la...

  9. OOO Syah I know which karipap u referring to. Time TNF kita masih makan karipap walaupun nak dekat race. Its old chang kee, its halal, but its true susah sikit nak carik halal food in SG.

  10. tuan, lain kali kalau datang klcc bawak barang seketul dua

  11. Ziff, itu gambar karipap home made ke? Next week petang bawak pi klcc bleh? Aku tapau teh tarik wisma central. Ada bran?

    You can tapau from KL if your flight still can allow makcik karipap setup the table. Or you can try those granolar bars i.e. Quaker, Keloggs (did I spell it right?) and lots more. Some have chunky nuts with honey. At least it's tastier than the cardboard powerbar taste X)

  12. Zaki, aku plan carbo loading rice at 12 pm, at around 5 pm, layan satu round loading lagik before layan karipap one hour before start race. dah jadi Sundown makan-thon

  13. Syah - tu ler, nanti kat arab street, kalau nampak karipap aku ingat nak tapau for the pre-race snack. kau nak x aku tapau sekali :)

    Kash - my fren cakap Fast Food kat sana halal kan. Worst come to worst i tapau rice porridge McD ajer

    Shuk - nanti aku bawa satu dulang sebagai pengeras nak berguru dgn Tok Penghulu Poco-poco KLCC

    Diket - Penat aku uli tepung nak buat karipap tu. Mmg homemade tapi other people's home lah hehehe. Boleh bro, aku bawa tikar mengkuang sekali kita picnic kat depan group buat poco-poco tu ahakssss

  14. ziff, fast food (KFC BK MCD) all halal, tapi IKEA tak halal. meatball dia ada Linkin Pork! Er tapi tau pulak sekarang. Karipap ni sama macam yg kitaorang share kat PoJ?

  15. TQ Kash for the info. Karipap in the pic i took from the net hehehe. The karipap we shared at PoJ i bought from a kopitiam at Sogo.
