Monday, May 17, 2010

Your Own Wish

When Syah/Kash hollered the plan for a Friday night LSD at Putrajaya last week, I straight away decided to join in, with a target of doing more than 20km. Though I was having a pre-ITB like pain at my left knee, the mind had set its focus of doing the run. That also mean that I will stay back at my office until 8pm before proceeding to PoJ since it would be just ridiculous to get stuck in the notoriuos Friday's evening traffic jam on the way back to Shah Alam. The earliest that I could reach home would be around 7.45pm and no way I would be just as excited to go out again in the interval of 5-10 minutes, driving all the way to Putrajaya.
A focused mind, though faced with minor setbacks would lead you to achieve what you have planned for. The distance of 24km done that night is nothing to shout about at all but I could easily threw in the towel at around KM17 (behind PICC) when sleepiness came to attack without any warning at all. Honestly I never imagined before that one can be sleepy whilst running but there I was, trying to continue plodding with a heavy, very heavy eyes. Luckily I ran with Kash and she kindly offered me her power gel. Rais was also there ready to provide water and accompanied me when I was reduced to walking while trying to reach the center of the bridge in front of PICC. Thanks again guys! Once the grogginess left my body, I was ready to go, with a re-set mind to complete the entire loop, whats more when Kash said, "No discount". The last KM was when Kash pushed me to give whatever I had left in me to finish strong.
At the opposite side of the spectrum, I just lost focus and interest when I did my morning run yesterday. I didn't even plan to run in the first place since the itenary was to be at the Section 6 wet market by 8am. I woke up a bit late, no thanks to the late night sleep. Told wife that I could do the shopping alone but I might do a couple of loops at Tasik Shah Alam first before proceeding to the wet market. I half heartedly stopped at the lake and told myself to try to run 3 loops (around 11. 5km). With such non-committal mind set at work, I easily raised the white flag just after 1 1/2 loops done.
The real battle after all is all within the mind. The better one will subscribe to the taglines of "Dare to Dream", "Never Say Never", "Tak Cuba Tak Tahu Lagi" and their equivalents and I am fortunate to know many of those souls around. At the end of the day, it started with your own wish.
Best Wishes to All runners out there! :)


  1. Never Say Never, bro... Sabtu nih jom trail pulak!

  2. weekend ni x dpt ler. Sabtu pagi ada my dotter's sports day. Sunday plak ada sukaneka inter residence assoc kat shah alam. Aku cadang nak buat LSD Friday nite. Worst come to worst lari kat KLCC ajer. Kat tempat lain seram aku nak lari malam sorang2 hehehe

  3. Running at KLCC at night can be termed differently bro. Baik2, gayboy ramai. Tak caya tanya Shuk.

    Keep on twitching the mind bro. It helps a lot especially tackling vicious attempt like long distance running.

  4. satu lagi tempat gayboy banyak, kat tasik permaisuri cheras, aku dah serik lari kat situ malam...pondan pun ramai jugak...pondan tu ok lagi la, tapi gay?...please...aku nak dgn jessica je (dlm blog aku), tak tau la diket cakap jessica, entah ye atau ke tidak tak tau la...

  5. Aisey...leceh betul ler makhluk2 kaum lut yang dilaknat nie. Tasik permaisuri tu mg dah lama aku dengar jadi pot dia org. Isshh, nampak gaya lagi selamat lari kat PoJ tu (minus PICC ler). kalau sorang, lari along the boulevard tu ajer.

    Betul ker Diket cakap jessica tu? Diket lambung ajer kot pasal dia nak sapu dulu..hehe. Jgn marah bro, kidding ajer.

  6. diket nak potong line...kah,kah..anyway..see you at sundown. mcm mana ambik bib? aku terpaksa mintak tolong kash, susah kan kash je. dia punya collection 21-23rd je, 29hb mcm kau cakap tu le, kena email. takpe,aku try kash dulu...

  7. ziff, let's run together at PoJ on fri nite ... too bad can't join the guys on sat either.

  8. Ziff, mind over matters, bro. Keep up at it, surely you'll get the rewards.. Running at night, once you smell 'haruman', guna kuasa turbo laa bro! Lol

  9. Ian, insyallah I'll be there. Will try a 25km super duper LSD.

    Zaki - tgh dlm proses nak memantapkan mental ni. hahaha..siap pakai turbo prop engine lagi nanti.

  10. ziff, aku dah berjaya download endomondo dlm hp aku...yahooo....!!! hari ni jugak aku test...thanks bro...
    malam tadi lari paling rileks dlm dunia lah...

  11. Ijam, for a freebie programme, endomondo is good. After your run u can check the split time as well. Pace malam tadi mmg cam lari extra geli2 ajer for u bro.

  12. downloaded but no voicelah, member aku download (nokia) ada voice coach tu. maybe mine is windows mobile...takde...huhuhu...

  13. Kau dah check setting kau tak?

  14. dah check tp takde voice coach...nampaknya kena stick to it loooo....

  15. x per ler jam. X pun tukar Iphone ker BB ker :)

  16. sundown pakai vest apa? aku tak tau lagi ni..ingat nak lari half naked...

  17. aku x tahu lagik. Ingat nak pakai vest yg depa bagi tu tp mamat tuan punya asal bib aku nie dulu minta size XXL. Kalau ikut size vest Adidas kat Energizer, size XXL ok kot untuk aku. Nak lari half naked, malu woooo. Flab aku banyak sana sini nak tayang ekekeke.

  18. kalau pakai vest 30km orange kaler tu ok ke? ada jugak geng...baru org tau brp dasat kita lari...

  19. Ziff, ijam, pakai jer vespa... huhu.
    Amacam, lsd Bkt Subang kita monday nite at 9.00pm jadik ke? Call me at 0133593936

  20. hui...gilo ko...ambik bini dah pukul 7, sampai rumah pukul 8.30, 30 minit nak pecut bkt subang...aduiii....kat sundown je la kita lsd..aku pun dah malas nak lari ni ha..rileks je..apa barang 21km...tak gitu ziff?

  21. Kau kan nak lari full kat Ostolia nanti, boleh layan LSD malam ni hehehe.

    Aku pun x sure lagik, mula2 nak layan 10k kat KLCC park ajer ptg nie tp tgk ler kalau ler balik awal, boleh gak layan LSD geli2 ngan Zaki

  22. ziff kau bawak seluar & Kasut hari2 ke? ....mak ai...tak boleh mlm ni lah..tak sempat

  23. Ijam, 2 x seminggu ajer bawa kasut/running attire. kalau x dpt balik awal for nite lsd with zaki, aku layan ajer lari kat KLCC. Hari-hari kalu bawa kasut/baju, bising bini aku tgk boot penuh dgn running stuff hehehe
